Cartoonist - Author - Illustrator
Steve Barr Cartoons
Cartoonist - Author - Illustrator
Steve Barr Cartoons
Free Cartooning Classes for Pediatric Patients!
You Can Help Bring Happiness,
Laughter and Distraction Into The
Lives of Children Facing Difficult
Medical Challenges!
"Drawn To Help" has begun visiting hospitals, off-site
locations and camps that specialize in treating young
patients battling tough diseases and challenging life
circumstances. These visits are completely
free of charge to the pediatric patients, their siblings,
parents and the facilities that are treating them.
Each child recieves a free packet of art supplies that
they get to keep after the lessons are done. That way, they can continue creating their own masterpieces long
after we're gone.
As you can imagine, the costs involved in doing this can be quite high. If you'd like to contribute and be a part
of this wonderful program, please feel free to contact me or take a peek at the "Drawn To Help" page by clicking on the photo above.
How to Arrange A Visit
If you are a health care professional, child life specialist, art therapist or part of any organization serving kids
who are undergoing treatment, please get in touch by going to the "Contact" page on this website and sending
me a note. I'd love to help arrange a visit with the children you are caring for.
The lessons involve easy to follow, step by step instructions that even young children can grasp and enjoy. They'll be encouraged to experiment, change things around and create fun characters of their very own. Kids love to draw cartoons, and their creations can also help with diagnosis and understanding of where they are emotionally in their process.
Blogs About This Program
For more information about these cartooning classes, take a peek at these blogs: